Don’t limit your lettuce! We go way beyond iceberg and romaine.
Here are just a few of the nutritious and delicious varieties we grow.
Oak leaf lettuces are packed with antioxidants and vitamins A, B6, C, E, K, calcium, folate, iron, potassium, magnesium, thiamin, riboflavin, and zinc! (Add beta carotene if you grab a red oak leaf)
The most popular variety in France, it’s packed with nutrients, has an earthy flavor and excellent crunch that can stand up to heavy dressings . Red lettuces also contain extra antioxidants, in particular, anthocyanins, beta carotene, and higher levels of vitamin C.
A bright green, loose-leaf head with large leaves. If an Iceberg and a Bibb had a baby, Muir would be it! Sweet flavor, good crunch, and packed with nutrients.
The native Italian Lettuce Lollo Rosso (1 cup of chopped, raw) contains 22% of your daily iron and 27% of your daily vitamin C. It also has 100X more antioxidants like quercetin, over common lettuce. Quercetin is a natural anti-histamine and anti-Inflammatory.
An heirloom variety with narrow, tongue-shaped leaves. It has a velvety texture and great crunch!
Soft leaves with a buttery flavor. Sometimes referred to as “cabbage lettuce” because of its similar shape and color (particularly the red variety).